Monday, August 22, 2011

Another Great Weekend

Had another great weekend.  Paul arrived Sat. about 5:30 with 2 of his daughters.  Cristina is on her way to BYU and Liza just came to visit.  Had a great time.  Went into Moab for dinner.  The girls decided pizza sounded good to them so went to Pizza Hut.  Afterwards we drove into Arches.  Liza had never been before so was fun showing a bit of it to her.  Had a pretty good sunset with the clouds and she took several pictures.  When it got too dark for pics or to really see much, we came home and visited until we all went to bed.

Sunday, Paul, Liza, Christina and I went to church.  Rick decided to clean the garage floor since my car would be gone and all his toys are out being fixed.  Church was great.  Liza comment that it wasn't so much like going to church as going to see family.  What a great description on our little branch.  We are like family.  Afterwards we came home, changed our clothes and ate taco salads.  I had prepared the meat on Sat. so just had to warm it up and put stuff out for everyone to make their own.  I had also made brownies Sat. so had them for dessert.  It was a really good meal.

After lunch, Paul and the girls left for Scott's place.  Cristina has to be at the "Y" Monday morning and Liza is going to visit friends in the SLC area.  Paul will be back on Thurs. along with Scott and Cara.  Susan and Mike should be here Wed.  They are all coming to go to the temple with me on Fri.  They even announced my going on Fri. at church and it looks like there will be about 15 of us.

Am really looking forward to the family visit.  Especially since Susan and Mike will be here for several days.  Rick is taking Mon-Wed off next week so we can go on day trips with them to show them the area.

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