Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday - My favorite Day of the Week

Yes, Sunday has truly become my favorite day of the week and today was especially good.  It started with me giving the lesson in Relief Society.  What did I teach, you may ask?  I started with the scripture Mark 12:30-31.  Went on to a scripture from the Book of Mormon and the D&C all saying basically the say thing.  I was emphasizing the love thy neighbor as thyself portion.  My lesson dwelt on the fact that we can love no one, unless we love ourselves.  This was my first time teaching in about 40 years, so needless to say, I was a bit nervous.  But everyone said I did really well and they loved it.

Next came Sunday School.  We have the best teacher ever!  This is one of the things I really love about Sundays is going to his class.  We are discussing the New Testament and I am learning so much.  I will really miss it next week when at Scott's but am sure they have a terrific teacher also.

Lastly, Sacrament Meeting.  Today being the first Sunday of the month, it was Fast and Testimony Meeting.  Now, you have to realize I live in Castle Valley, Utah.  We are a very small branch and when I say small, I mean it.  There were 12 people at Sacrament Meeting.  And one was our High Council rep. from Moab.  Well, this certainly gives everyone the opportunity to bear their testimony.  All but one did, and his is a physically and mentally challenged your man, the son of one of the sweetest couples in our branch.  I have discovered I am actually one of the youngest members, and I'm 60!  So you can see, we have a very special branch and the spirit is really felt by everyone that comes.

My day didn't end there.  Immediately after my last meeting, I drove into Moab to see our Stake President for an interview and to get me temple recommend signed.  Yes, I got it.  I am so excited.  Plan on going to the Monticello Temple on Fri. Aug 26th.  Most if not all my siblings and some of their spouses will be going with me and this will make it even more special.  I finally got back home about 3 this afternoon.

Have been reading in the current issue of "The Ensign" this afternoon. 

The sun is shining; it may be hot outside; but this has been just about the most perfect day.  I need to get back to my reading, I'm not half done with the magazine yet, so will sign off for now.

Love to all my family and friends that read this.


Mark Anderson said...

What an upbeat and up lifting post. Sounds like you are doing great and I hope that your visit to the temple will be a very special day for you. Truely wish that I could be there.

Joy said...

I am so happy for you and hope to visit you guys again soon. We love you both.

Joy Cornell said...

This is Joy Cornell by the way. Take care.

Eileen said...

I did know which Joy it was. You are the only one I know. Would love to have you guys come down again. Had such fun before.